“Angelina Jolie’s Unwavering Advocacy: A Commitment to Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict”

In the heart of the United Nations in New York City, Angelina Jolie, renowned actress, humanitarian, and co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI), stoodaongside Lieutenant General Marcia Andrade Braga on March 29, 2019. As a UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Special Envoy, Jolie continues to champion the cause of those affected by conflict and violence, bringing attention to the harrowing issue of sexual violence.

High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie and Brazilian Naval Officer Marcia Andrade Braga hold Gender Advocate of the Year Award at the United...

The United Nations, a symbol of global collaboration, served as the backdrop for this significant meeting. Angelina Jolie, with her dual role as co-founder of PSVI and UNHCR Special Envoy, and Lieutenant General Marcia Andrade Braga, represented a unified front in addressing the critical issues surrounding sexual violence in conflict zones.

Portrait of Angelina Jolie, Co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for...

Angelina Jolie has been at the forefront of the PSVI, an initiative she co-founded with then UK Foreign Secretary William Hague in 2012. The initiative strives to tackle and prevent sexual violence in conflict areas, advocating for justice, accountability, and support for survivors. Jolie’s commitment to this cause has been unwavering, and her efforts have brought international attention to the often-overlooked plight of survivors.

Portrait of Angelina Jolie, Co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for...

In her capacity as a UNHCR Special Envoy, Jolie has been dedicated to advocating for the rights of refugees and displaced persons globally. Her work involves raising awareness about the challenges faced by those forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or violence. Jolie’s compassionate and tireless efforts contribute significantly to shaping policies that address the needs of the most vulnerable populations.

High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie and Brazilian Naval Officer Marcia Andrade Braga hold Gender Advocate of the Year Award at the United...

Lieutenant General Marcia Andrade Braga, a distinguished military leader, joined Angelina Jolie at the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts between the military and humanitarian sectors in addressing sexual violence in conflict. Their joint presence underscored the need for comprehensive strategies to tackle this grave issue.

High Commissioner for Refugees Angelina Jolie and Brazilian Naval Officer Marcia Andrade Braga hold Gender Advocate of the Year Award at the United...

During the event, Angelina Jolie and Lieutenant General Braga emphasized the urgent need for justice and accountability for perpetrators of sexual violence in conflict. By advocating for legal consequences and promoting a culture of accountability, they strive to create a world where survivors find justice and communities are empowered to prevent such atrocities.

Angelina Jolie, Co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for...

Angelina Jolie’s advocacy work has transcended borders, and her collaboration with Lieutenant General Braga exemplifies the global response required to combat sexual violence in conflict. Their presence at the United Nations not only highlighted the severity of the issue but also garnered international recognition for the imperative need to address it collectively.

Angelina Jolie, Co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for...

Angelina Jolie’s role as a co-founder of PSVI and UNHCR Special Envoy reflects her deep commitment to addressing the most pressing issues affecting conflict-affected populations. The collaboration with Lieutenant General Marcia Andrade Braga at the United Nations underscores the importance of bringing together diverse expertise to tackle the multifaceted challenges posed by sexual violence in conflict. Through their joint efforts, Jolie and Braga continue to be formidable advocates for justice, accountability, and the prevention of sexual violence on a global scale.

3Angelina Jolie, Co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative and Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for...

High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy Angelina Jolie was on hand to address the General Assembly.

High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy Angelina Jolie was on hand to address the General Assembly.

High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy Angelina Jolie was on hand to address the General Assembly.

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